Thursday, January 31, 2013


Hey there guys!
          This is just going to be a quick introduction post to well, inform you all!  For the past few years I have religiously read/watched beauty blog/vlogs, and finally got the courage and inspiration to make both of my own!  If you're curious about the name, I wanted a slight play on words since my name is Paige, and all through high school my AOL username had the word 'lush' in it, which I suppose could describe me quite well.  I am quite appealing and well, not the smallest sized person.  It does not describe me in the way of having to do with alcohol, I rarely drink, and when I do I almost never get drunk, just not my thing!
          On this blog (and my beauty vlog on YouTube 'y0urlushx' <-- see old terrible HS name) I will reviewing beauty products, blurting my opinions about said products, and probably blurting my opinions about anything major in my life, which can be a lot!
         If you guys have anyyyy questions for me, just give me a shout on here or my e-mail here! Thanks! xox